Kamala Rising: Biden Campaign Tests Harris’ Viability


As President Joe Biden faces increasing scrutiny over his campaign viability following a lackluster debate performance, Democratic insiders are reportedly assessing Vice President Kamala Harris as a potential successor should Biden decide to withdraw from the 2024 race. This evaluation comes amid growing concerns about Biden's age and fitness for a grueling re-election campaign.

Several key figures within the Democratic Party, including influential lawmakers and strategists, have been vocal about their support for Harris. Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina, a pivotal supporter in Biden's 2020 primary victory, has publicly stated his preference for Harris if Biden steps aside​.

Harris has been actively engaging with core Democratic constituencies, particularly Black voters, to solidify her standing within the party.

At the recent Essence Festival in New Orleans, Harris addressed the audience with a fiery speech, targeting former President Donald Trump and emphasizing the stakes of the upcoming election without directly referencing Biden's campaign troubles​.

The financial implications of a potential Biden withdrawal are significant. Experts indicate that Harris, as Biden's running mate, would likely have the easiest access to the campaign's substantial war chest, which includes $240 million in funds. This financial advantage positions her as the most practical choice for the Democratic nomination if Biden were to step down​.

Despite Biden's public insistence that he remains committed to the race, internal discussions within his campaign and among Democratic leaders suggest that contingency plans are being considered. Campaign staffers have reportedly begun preparations to shift their focus towards promoting Harris as the top candidate​​.

However, Harris's path to the nomination is not without challenges. Questions about her electoral viability persist, as her poll numbers have consistently trailed behind Biden's. Nevertheless, her strong support among Black voters and her established role in the current administration provide her with a solid foundation to build upon​​.

As the campaign unfolds, the Democratic Party faces a delicate balancing act. Any move to replace Biden with a different candidate risks alienating key voter demographics and could trigger a backlash among the party's base. Nonetheless, the mounting pressure and strategic considerations make Harris's potential rise to the top of the ticket a critical development to watch in the lead-up to the 2024 election​​.


  1. Feckless, Worthless as a leader/politician, ignorant of what Americans are having to endure under a Biden/Harris administration, flippant, totally out of touch. She should go back to Woke California and work at a Manure farm.


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