Rolling Stone Predicts ‘Armageddon’ If Donald Trump Wins 2024 Election


Rolling Stone magazine has ignited controversy with its latest article, which paints a dire picture of a second Donald Trump presidency. The piece, written by Tim Dickinson and Asawin Suebsaeng, predicts the collapse of American democracy, rampant authoritarianism, and a shift toward dictatorship should Trump be reelected in November 2024. These exaggerated claims have sparked backlash from critics who view the article as an example of left-wing fearmongering and political manipulation.

The article, titled "Worst-Case Scenario: What If Trump Wins?" warns of severe consequences if Trump returns to the White House. The writers claim Trump would govern without any restraint, unleashing his "darkest impulses." The piece even suggests that during his second term, Trump would use “firing squads” against political opponents and engage in widespread lawfare to silence dissent. According to Rolling Stone, without the so-called "adults in the room" to temper his ambitions, Trump would fully embrace authoritarianism.

In their 5,000-word article, the authors compare Trump to notorious historical figures, including Italy's fascist leader Benito Mussolini and Filipino strongman Rodrigo Duterte. The piece even draws parallels between Trump's immigration policies and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Additionally, the authors assert that Trump’s supporters are driven by a "collective revenge fantasy," echoing Hillary Clinton’s infamous characterization of Trump voters as a "basket of deplorables" during the 2016 election.

Conservative commentators and analysts have sharply criticized Rolling Stone for these apocalyptic predictions. Critics argue that the magazine is attempting to stoke fear and division as a way to sway voters ahead of the election. Some have pointed out the irony in Rolling Stone's portrayal of Trump as an authoritarian, noting that it is, in fact, the current administration that has faced accusations of executive overreach. They argue that the Biden administration has already weaponized federal agencies, such as the FBI, to target political opponents, a claim Trump’s critics accuse him of​.

The Rolling Stone article also claims that Trump would exploit a "supercharged" Supreme Court, which it describes as dominated by ultraconservative justices. The article alleges that this would allow Trump to increase executive power and erode democratic norms. However, this assertion has been disputed, as the Court has actively worked to reduce executive overreach in recent years, most notably in the case of Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, where it rolled back the deference traditionally given to federal agencies​.

One of the most incendiary claims in the article compares Trump to David Koresh, the leader of the Branch Davidian cult, and his supporters to Timothy McVeigh, the domestic terrorist behind the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. This extreme analogy has provoked outrage, with critics labeling it as an offensive and unwarranted attack on millions of American voters. The portrayal of Trump’s supporters as violent extremists echoes previous attacks on his base, further inflaming tensions in the lead-up to the election​.

The article highlights what appears to be a growing sense of panic among liberal elites about the possibility of Trump returning to power. With polling showing a competitive race, the tone of the Rolling Stone piece seems to reflect broader anxiety within the Democratic Party about Trump's growing support and the narrowing path to victory for Vice President Kamala Harris, his main challenger. The magazine’s apocalyptic predictions may resonate with its left-leaning readership, but many argue that such extreme rhetoric only serves to deepen the polarization in American politics​.

As Election Day approaches, articles like this one from Rolling Stone highlight the increasing use of alarmist language in the media to frame the 2024 presidential race. Whether these narratives will sway undecided voters or further entrench existing divisions remains to be seen. What is clear, however, is that the prospect of a second Trump presidency has sent shockwaves through liberal media, igniting fears of a future marked by political turmoil and authoritarian rule.


  1. Rolling Stones is a far left publication that act as though they know music but can’t even get close to the top 100 guitarists in history. Since they get wrong so badly about music, which is what they focus on, they have no clue about politics.


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