Ellen Barkin Slams CNN Over Debate, Calls It a “Trump Campaign Rally”


Actress Ellen Barkin took to social media to express her outrage over the CNN-hosted presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, describing it as a "Trump campaign rally sponsored by CNN." The debate, held on June 27, 2024, in Atlanta, was the first face-off between Biden and Trump in the current election cycle.

Barkin's criticism centered on her perception that the event was biased in favor of Trump. She tweeted, "What the f**k CNN? This is a Trump campaign rally, not a debate!" Her comments reflect growing frustration among some viewers who believe the network gave Trump undue advantage.

The debate has been a topic of heated discussion, with some accusing CNN of providing a platform that allowed Trump to dominate the conversation. Trump, known for his aggressive debating style, used the opportunity to attack Biden's policies and record, while Biden aimed to counter with his administration's achievements and plans for the future.

Despite Barkin's strong words, the debate proceeded with both candidates tackling key issues such as the economy, healthcare, and foreign policy. Trump's performance was marked by his usual combative tone, while Biden sought to present a more measured and policy-focused approach.

Barkin's reaction is not an isolated incident. Other public figures and political commentators have also weighed in, either supporting her stance or defending CNN's handling of the debate. The event has sparked a broader conversation about media bias and the role of news networks in covering political events.

CNN has yet to respond directly to Barkin's comments, but the network's decision to host the debate in the first place has been seen as an effort to provide a balanced platform for both candidates. However, Barkin's outburst highlights the challenges media outlets face in navigating perceptions of bias and maintaining credibility in an increasingly polarized political environment.

As the election season heats up, debates like this will continue to be scrutinized by both the public and the media. Whether Barkin's critique will have a lasting impact on CNN's reputation remains to be seen, but it certainly adds to the ongoing discourse about the fairness and integrity of political coverage.

In conclusion, Ellen Barkin's vehement reaction to the CNN debate underscores the contentious nature of the current political climate and the scrutiny media organizations face in their coverage of major events. Her comments have amplified a debate over media bias that is likely to persist throughout the election season.


  1. Ellen Barkin is another liberal nutcase. Biden administration and their policies are bringing America down to a third world country. She has money so what Biden does to the middle class doesn’t bother her.Rich are getting richer and middle class is being coming poorer. Biden is not healthy and he is dangerous to America. Have friends who alot of money they don’t care about the middle class or the poor. They look down at the middle class even though they were the middle class before they became rich. I know they look down on me but I don’t care because I treat everyone with respect not because what they have in their Bank accounts. Biden has shown he is weak and has no idea what the American people are going through with his invasion of illegals and playing with America’s enemies. Democrats really don’t care about Biden and Harris. They depend on Obama to get their orders. Obama threw Biden under the bus a long time ago and they will throw the American people under it to so they can more power and money. That debate was CNN to show how Biden is so strong, boy did they get that wrong. Biden handlers push Biden for days to prepare for the debate. All they did was confused Biden and make him weak. President Trump was President Trump. He took control and did the right thing not being mean just stated the facts. If you’re so interested in helping America you sure shouldn’t be voting for any democrat. You saw how they treat you and your country. Stop listening to the woke culture, they are just idiots looking for a free handout and are uneducated.


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