Harley-Davidson Reverses ‘Woke’ Policies After Conservative Pressure Campaign


In a significant retreat from its recent embrace of progressive policies, Harley-Davidson, one of America's most iconic motorcycle brands, has announced a major rollback of its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. This move comes in the wake of a relentless campaign led by conservative activist and filmmaker Robby Starbuck, who has made it his mission to challenge what he describes as "leftist ideologies" infiltrating beloved American companies.

Starbuck, known for his successful boycotts against companies like Tractor Supply and John Deere, turned his attention to Harley-Davidson in July 2024. Through a series of social media posts, Starbuck criticized the company's involvement in various progressive causes, including its support for LGBTQ+ Pride events, DEI training for employees, and partnerships with organizations like the Human Rights Campaign. He accused Harley-Davidson of betraying its core customer base—traditional, freedom-loving bikers—by adopting policies that align with leftist agendas.

The pressure from Starbuck's campaign proved too much for Harley-Davidson, which had already been facing backlash from its customer base. On August 19, 2024, the company announced it would dismantle its DEI initiatives and end its association with several progressive causes, including LGBTQ+ advocacy groups. In a statement, Harley-Davidson expressed regret over the division caused by its policies and emphasized its renewed commitment to focusing on the sport of motorcycling and its loyal customer base.

This reversal highlights a broader trend among major American brands as they grapple with the fallout from embracing socially progressive policies. Harley-Davidson’s decision echoes similar retreats by other companies that have faced boycotts and negative reactions from their customer bases.

The move has drawn mixed reactions from the public; while many conservatives praised Harley-Davidson for "correcting course," others remain skeptical, calling for further changes at the executive level​.

Starbuck's campaign against Harley-Davidson follows his successful efforts to push back against other corporate giants. Earlier in 2024, he targeted Tractor Supply for its DEI policies and LGBTQ+ training programs, leading to a similar rollback. His tactics, which involve leveraging social media and conservative media outlets to mobilize public opinion, have proven effective in forcing companies to reconsider their positions on cultural and political issues.

Harley-Davidson's decision to abandon its DEI programs is seen as a victory by many conservatives who have long opposed the influence of leftist ideologies in corporate America. However, the backlash from this reversal also underscores the deep cultural divide in the United States, where companies are increasingly finding themselves at the center of political and social battles. As brands navigate this landscape, they must weigh the demands of their diverse customer bases against the risk of alienating key segments of their market.

For now, Harley-Davidson’s shift away from progressive initiatives marks a significant moment in the ongoing cultural conflicts playing out in corporate boardrooms across the country. Whether other companies will follow suit remains to be seen, but the pressure from activists like Starbuck suggests that the battle over corporate America's soul is far from over.


  1. It’s about time. Every American company should avoid DEI initiatives like the plague. This country is conservative, no matter how much the depraved liberals try to turn it communist. If we want a decent country we need to be very observant and not allow liberals to try to turn their deviant thinking into the norm.

  2. It is NOT enough that Harley is “backing off” its DEI and “Green” and LGBQT+ policies, This CEO and EVERYONE aligned with or hired by him MUST be terminated. “Policies” are easy enough to disavow, but it is attitudes which must be eradicated and that means ousting the sources of those attitudes. Would Disney still be turning out woke crap if Bob Iger had lost his job? Would it have taken Budweiser months to back off transgenderism if Alicia Scheissfurbrains had been fired immediately, along with the drones who hired her? Pain must be inflicted on and felt by the people who pull this crap or the crap will come rolling back the moment this human filth thinks that “maybe now” they can get away with it. We must be as uncompromising as our opponents are when they think they have the mandate.

  3. The new crop of idiots now running Harley are the product of todays overpriced excuse for “business schools” like Wharton, and all the rest of the “Ivy League Colleges” out put of political idiots not trained to actually build a business. Bring back the old leadership until this crop of ineffective soy-boys fade away ,and new kids come properly trained. My 19 year old nephew thinks these soy-boys are deceived into thinking they are actually educated. Dont be the new “Bud Light” Harley!


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