Joe Rogan: ‘We’re Definitely Being Gaslit’ by Media Over Kamala Harris


Joe Rogan didn't hold back in a recent episode of his podcast, claiming, "We're definitely being gaslit" by the media's portrayal of Kamala Harris and her potential to ascend to the presidency. Rogan pointed out how the media is downplaying Harris’s weaknesses and criticized the manipulation of public perception. He argued that the media's bias is a dangerous form of gaslighting, misleading the public about Harris's capabilities and Biden's deteriorating mental fitness.

Rogan’s comments are part of a broader discussion about the role of media in shaping political narratives. He expressed concern that the media's deliberate efforts to protect certain figures, like Harris, could have significant consequences for the future of American politics.

Rogan warned that this kind of gaslighting could lead to Harris being elected, despite her evident unpopularity and perceived incompetence.

Rogan also drew attention to the way the media has shielded President Joe Biden from scrutiny, particularly regarding his mental acuity. By downplaying or ignoring Biden's frequent verbal gaffes, the media is creating a false narrative about his fitness for office, according to Rogan. He suggested that this manipulation is part of a broader strategy to control public perception and maintain the current political establishment.

In addition to criticizing the media's handling of Harris and Biden, Rogan also expressed his frustration with how easily the public seems to be manipulated. He lamented that many people are willing to accept the media's narrative without question, leading to a distorted understanding of the truth.

Rogan's comments have resonated with many who share his concerns about media bias and manipulation. His warning about the dangers of gaslighting in politics has sparked a broader conversation about the role of the media in shaping public opinion and the potential consequences of allowing biased narratives to go unchallenged.

Rogan’s critique underscores the importance of independent thought and the need for skepticism when consuming news, especially in the current political climate.

As the 2024 election approaches, the media’s portrayal of candidates like Kamala Harris will likely become an even more significant issue. Rogan’s critique serves as a reminder that the public must remain vigilant against attempts to manipulate their perception of reality. With the stakes as high as they are, the consequences of being misled by media gaslighting could be profound.


  1. I’m just going to say it, ANYONE that would Vote for a Harris/Walz Presidential/Vice Presidential ticket has to be either Retarded, Asleep, Or just Plain Ignorant after what Biden/ Harris have done to this Country the last 3 1/2 Years. Her Turdness is even considering an Arms Embargo against Israel in order to Win Minnesota and Wisconsin Votes. That is outright Anti God. Not Helping Israel is Sacrilege. Muslims have been Attacking and Killing Israelies for thousands of years, isn’t it time it stopped? The only way to stop it is to Kill the Terrorists (most if not all of them are Muslim–right?). That is terrible I know, but the Hate has to stop. Muslims teach their young to hate Israel and it’s people, it’s even on their Cartoon’s. Perhaps we should start hurling Pork Sacks into the Terrorist camps and everywhere they are? Maybe turn a bunch of Wild Hogs loose into Iran, Seria, Hoothie territory, Anywhere these Terrorists live?
    Kamala Harris has no intention of doing what is “really right” for our Country. She is Much Worse than Biden, and if She Wins the a ignorant Vote and wins this Election We are all in More Trouble than we are now. And Now we are screwed until 11/05/2024. People had better educate themselves, especially if they want Any Sort of a Future at all!


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