Navy Chiefs Secretly Installed Illegal Starlink Wi-Fi Network on USS Manchester


In a shocking breach of military protocols, senior enlisted leaders aboard the USS Manchester conspired to install an unauthorized Starlink Wi-Fi network for their exclusive use during the ship's 2023 deployment. The illegal network, masterminded by Command Senior Chief Grisel Marrero, provided Wi-Fi access to the ship's chief petty officers while bypassing both security protocols and chain of command approval.

The unauthorized installation took place in March 2023, just before the ship deployed to the Western Pacific. Marrero and another chief purchased a $2,800 Starlink system and installed it on the ship's weatherdeck during a "blanket" aloft period—a time when duties are not logged, making it easier to conceal the activity.

The chiefs managed to keep the network exclusive, charging $62.50 per person or a one-time fee of $375, with payments collected into the Chief Petty Officer Association’s account. The network was nicknamed “STINKY” to make it appear as a wireless printer, further obscuring its true purpose.

Although Marrero claimed the Wi-Fi was intended to boost morale, investigators found that its access was tightly restricted to the chief petty officers, excluding both officers and junior sailors. This raised questions about the motive, especially when the Wi-Fi was used primarily for watching sports, movies, and checking personal messages. Junior sailors soon caught wind of the network, but when confronted, Marrero repeatedly denied its existence.

Commanding officers aboard the ship, including Cmdr. Colleen Moore, eventually grew suspicious as rumors spread about the Wi-Fi’s existence. Despite several searches of the ship’s interior, the unauthorized system went undiscovered due to its external placement. Marrero, in an attempt to hide the network, even seized suggestion box comments that mentioned the illegal system​.

The network remained operational until it was accidentally discovered by a civilian contractor installing an authorized satellite system in August 2023. This discovery led to a formal investigation, during which Marrero admitted to her role in setting up the system. Despite the gravity of the situation, she continued to downplay the network’s impact, asserting that it was only active while the ship was in port—a claim that was refuted by further investigation​.

As a result of her actions, Marrero was court-martialed and found guilty of dereliction of duty and obstruction of justice. She was subsequently demoted from Senior Chief Petty Officer to Chief Petty Officer. Other sailors involved in the scheme were also disciplined, though details remain limited. The investigation highlighted significant operational security risks posed by the unauthorized network, which could have exposed sensitive information and compromised the ship’s mission​.

The case underscores the risks associated with unauthorized technology on military vessels, particularly in an era when cyber vulnerabilities pose an ever-increasing threat to national security. The Navy has since issued warnings about the dangers of unsanctioned wireless networks and has taken steps to enhance security measures aboard its ships to prevent similar incidents.


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