The Democratic Party’s Google Cartel: A Threat to Free Press and Fair Elections


In recent years, concerns about Big Tech's influence over media and elections have escalated, and Google has found itself at the center of this controversy. A recent article from The Washington Examiner highlights the troubling relationship between Google, the Democratic Party, and the media—a relationship that poses significant risks to journalistic integrity and the democratic process.

The issue came to light with the proposed California Journalism Preservation Act, which originally aimed to support local journalism by allowing publishers to collectively negotiate with tech giants like Google and Meta. However, this legislation was thwarted by intense lobbying from Google, which resulted in a new, more insidious arrangement. Under the new deal, Google and Meta agreed to provide $55 million each over five years to the University of California, Berkeley. The university would then distribute these funds as grants to local news organizations, particularly those in "news deserts" or serving "underserved communities."

While this might appear to be a benevolent gesture, critics argue that it effectively transforms these grants into a slush fund, controlled by left-leaning academics, to bolster media outlets that align with Democratic Party values. This arrangement not only undermines the original intent of supporting independent journalism but also entrenches the influence of Big Tech and the Democratic Party over the press.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has praised the deal, claiming it will help rebuild a "robust and dynamic" press corps in the state. However, Republicans and media watchdogs warn that this is a dangerous consolidation of power, one that threatens to turn the press into a mere mouthpiece for Democratic agendas. As The Washington Examiner reports, this deal represents a "cartel" that further diminishes the already dwindling independence of American journalism.

Beyond this, Google's involvement in elections has also drawn scrutiny. Reports indicate that Google has interfered in U.S. elections at least 41 times since 2008, often censoring conservative voices while boosting liberal candidates. For example, during the 2016 presidential election, Google was accused of manipulating search algorithms to favor Hillary Clinton, potentially swaying millions of votes in her favor. This pattern of behavior has persisted, with Google continuing to exert its influence over electoral outcomes, often in favor of Democratic candidates.

The implications of these actions are profound. Google's control over the digital advertising market and its ability to manipulate search results give it unparalleled power to shape public discourse and influence elections. A federal court recently ruled that Google violated antitrust laws by maintaining a monopoly in the online search market, reinforcing concerns that the company’s dominance is not only harmful to competition but also to democracy itself.

The alliance between Big Tech and the Democratic Party is more than just a political convenience; it is a concerted effort to control the flow of information in America. With California Republicans unlikely to dismantle this powerful "Google-Meta-Democratic Party cartel," there is an urgent need for conservatives to push for federal legislation like the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, which would help restore balance to the media landscape.

As the 2024 elections approach, the influence of Big Tech on the democratic process cannot be overstated. The ongoing collaboration between Google and the Democratic Party is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by the concentration of media power in the hands of a few, and the need for robust legal and regulatory frameworks to protect the integrity of American democracy.


  1. Perhaps the WH would care to explain why the Constitution was Violated Hours after the President took the oath of office WRT “Censorship” memo? Hmmmmmmmm……..RFK Jr. Has Given A Really Thorough analogy of Practically Everything the Biden/Harris Administration has done (Bad things for our Country) and apparently this Interview has Raised Some Eyebrows on Capitol Hill. This is Getting Interesting indeed. Again, all of this Crooked stuff the Dems have been involved in is beginning to Blow up in their faces! We sincerely hope the Dems Loose this Election and Finally the American People will Know exactly what they have been Hiding all of these years. Educate yourselves people, it’s right in front of you, all you need do is to Look and Listen!

  2. At 85, my history includes a dozen years as a Foreign Correspondent for The American Srbobran, the Serbian newspaper published in Pittsburgh since the turn of the century and I have been a contributing journalist for Britic Magazine in London…During the Balkan Civil Wars I was interviewed on over 250 national radio programs and appeared on Geraldo Live and Charles Grodin on Fox News. I am a double victim of Genocide, I lost 17 relatives in Nazi Croatia in 1942 and the last 5 relatives to my name in the Civil War in 1999. As owner and publisher of gmbooks for 39 years, my company has received a Pulitzer Prize for “Witness to War” that we produced and printed for the LA Times, the biography of their cartoonist, Paul Conrad, the LA Earthquake book and the LA Riot book. My company has received 7 Best-Selling titles including 3 of my own 11 books. How compelling that I was removed from Facebook and LinkedIn a year ago due to my conservative views. Believing that this nation has a FREE PRESS or that we Americans have a Constitutional right to Free Speech has been turned on its head by Harris and her ‘slight-of-hand’ Communist ideas. Her grandfather owned a Plantation in Jamaica that used slaves…her father is a Marxist professor at Stanford University, are we to now believe this apple fell far from this tree? We all know that when she was having a sexual relationship with Willie Brown, the married mayor of San Francisco…the local newspapers call her “A Woman Of The Night.” I call that a prostitute. We also know Harris’ husband got the nanny in his first marriage pregnant. We also know that Senator Biden and Jill had their sexual fling that ended her first marriage…Are we now glorifying these sexual misfits that are running our country?


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