WWII Veteran Receives Standing Ovation, ‘USA’ Chants After Moving Speech


A heartwarming moment unfolded as 98-year-old WWII veteran Sgt. William Pekrul received a standing ovation and loud "USA" chants following his poignant speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC). Pekrul's address, delivered on the third night of the RNC, was themed "Make America Strong Once Again" and recounted his war experiences, patriotism, and enduring love for his country.

The event took place on Wednesday night, where Pekrul captivated the audience with tales of bravery and sacrifice from his time in World War II. His speech resonated deeply, highlighting the valor of American soldiers and the importance of unity and patriotism in the face of adversity.

Pekrul's recognition comes amidst a backdrop of celebrations and commemorations for WWII veterans globally. For instance, in France, American D-Day heroes received a similarly enthusiastic welcome from thousands of French students who gave them a standing ovation full of pride and gratitude. These veterans were in France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, reflecting the deep appreciation for their sacrifices in liberating Europe from Nazi occupation​.

In his speech, Pekrul emphasized the values of courage and dedication, drawing parallels between the challenges faced during WWII and the current times.

His words served as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by the "Greatest Generation" and the ongoing need to uphold the principles they fought for.

The audience's response was overwhelmingly positive, with chants of "USA" echoing through the venue, a testament to the enduring respect and admiration for veterans like Pekrul. This event not only honored Pekrul's individual contributions but also celebrated the broader legacy of all WWII veterans who served with distinction and bravery.

Pekrul's appearance at the RNC adds to a series of commemorative events recognizing WWII veterans. Earlier this year, veterans arriving in Paris for D-Day remembrances were greeted with a hero's welcome, highlighting the international appreciation for their service. Such events underscore the importance of remembering and honoring those who have served in the armed forces, ensuring their legacies inspire future generations​​.

The RNC's recognition of Pekrul is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by veterans and the importance of patriotism and unity. It serves as an inspiration to all, reinforcing the values of courage, dedication, and love for one's country.


  1. Extremely Impressive this Hero gave such a Wonderful Speech, At 98 years old! God Bless Our Veterans And To do Bless America!

  2. My Father, who passed away 10 years ago, fought in the European Theatre of WWII – and I mean “fought”. He wasn’t a supply clerk or truck driver (not that they didn’t do their part), rather he was one of those guys hangin’ from a parachute harness over Normandy and, again, as part of Operation “Market Garden”, capping it off near Bastogne, during “The Bulge”, where he was seriously wounded and initially listed as MIA, only to subsequently be discovered convalescing in a London hospital. He seldom talked about it – we got the story in bits and pieces, my one, extended conversation with him about the war occurring after I had had my turn jumping out of perfectly good airplanes (and my eldest daughter followed suit, making 3 generations of people who, seemingly, had a poor understanding of “gravity”). He, like so many of his contemporaries, went to war because they came of age during it and because his service was needed. It wasn’t about glory or adventure, it was about duty and he – and they – did it. More remarkably, they came home from that experience and resumed a “normal life”. Heroes one and all, and mostly unsung. They are all almost now gone. It’s good that we not only honor them but learn from them – because we have so very much to learn.


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